Friday, July 1, 2016

Rust Dying Fabric

 If you haven’t tried rusting fabric and would like to, its really simple, very exciting and rewarding. The following is all you'll need to know to try it.

 1. Spray or soak fabric with a solution of 50% water and 50% white vinegar. 

 2. Spread the wet fabric in a plastic container like a dishpan or storage bin and arrange rusting  objects on top of it or wrap the wet fabric around a rusty object and lay it in the plastic  container 

3.Then wait it usually takes only a day or two but you need to keep the fabric wet with the vinegar and water. Some people like to cover it all with plastic to keep it wet, but remember that you want to let in air because oxygen it what causes oxidation (rusting) so wrap it loosely if you do. 

4. When you have the amount of color you want, rinse with a solution of water and baking soda to neutralize the acid before washing, there by inhibiting the process. And that’s all there is to it But there are a couple important things to keep in mind: 

   A. Just because rust is so familiar and generally not considered toxic, this does not mean you should ignore safe studio practices. Rust is iron oxide which could harm your health if you have to much contact with it. So it is advisable to wear your gloves and mask if you plan on doing this often And be sure keep young children and pets away from the rusty liquid!

   B.  Rusted fabrics will eventually degrade (although it may take years) because oxidation continues as long as it is exposed to oxygen. Therefore, rusted fabric may not be the best choice for a quilt that you are planning to hand down to you grandchildren.  If you would like more information about the process, I found Kimberly Bater Packwood’s Blog is very informative and helpful.  Also, she has some very affordable and informative ebooks on natural dying as well as on line classes available @

The "before" of the illustration at the top of the page.  Vinegar and water soaked silk wrap around an old rusted cast iron window weight,

Ice Dying

This technique of dying fabric yields most spectacular results, yet it is so simple and there is very little labor invested.  The hard part is waiting to see the magic!

Here’s how:
Material List:
Silk, wool, cotton, linen or any other natural cellulose or protein (animal) fabric
A supply of two or more colors of procion fiber reactive dyes
Soda ash
synthrapol or dawn dish soap
1 lg plastic storage bin or box of some type
1 shallow plastic container such as a dish pan
Any type of metal or plastic rack that will cover the top of the small container
Rubber gloves
Dust mask
Apron or very old clothes

Do this outside!
  1.  Prewash you fabric in warm to hot water with synthrapol or dawn dish soap and rinse.  Do not add fabric softener to to the rinse water
2.   Soak you fabric in a solution of ½ cup soda ash(used for raising ph from the pool supply venders)

3.    Set  up some type of  container  with a rack on top (I’ve used plastic food storage containers with cheap cooling racks purchased at the Dollar Tree)  Put it inside some type of box to use as a baffle to prevent dye powder from  being carried by  drafts . (Here I’ve used a lg plastic storage bin.)

1.   Soak you fabric in a solution of ½ cup soda ash(used for raising ph from the pool supply venders)
2.       Set  up some type of  container  with a rack on top (I’ve used plastic food storage containers with cheap cooling racks purchased at the Dollar Tree)  Put it inside some type of box to use as a baffle to prevent dye powder from  being carried by  drafts . (Here I’ve used a lg plastic storage bin.)

4.   Pile ice on top of the fabric.

5.       Sprinkle dye powders on top of the ice.  (Wear your rubber gloves and A DUST MASK!)

6.   Leave it and let the ice melt.  You may want to cover the whole thing with a drop cloth, or a plastic to keep out pets or wild life. 

7.   After the ice has melted keep covered with black plastic in the sun to keep it warm and let it cure for 24 hrs for the best results to insure colorfastness.      

8.    Put on your rubber gloves rinse the cloth in cold water.  Then wash in hot or warm water with synthrapol or dawn dish soap. You may have to do this more than once to remove all of the unbound dye. Launder the cloth in your usual manner and as appropriate for the type of fabric  you have chosen.

9.   Admire your "work!"